devious thoughts
its not actually the thoughts that are devious... its the writer who is deviant... and that makes this blog a kind of deviation...
thoughts worth thinking, simple thoughts, deep thoughts, insignificant, fresh, playful...
money. i wish i have lots of money. i always imagine that what if, just what if, somebody will give me a million dollars? or win more than that from a lottery? or maybe just to have more than enough, you know? double sigh for that! sometimes im thinking that its not really the love that makes this world go around, its the fucking money nigga! oh well, if ever this crazy thought of mine will come true, ill go ahead and meet the fucking whole world! its always my dream.
travel. i wanna go somewhere else. its not that i want outta philippines for good (hmm, there's no other place like home), i just wanna see other places. other people. see other culture. i haven't gone farther than baguio, and it sucks to imagine! i want to explore my own country first but if destiny wants me to go to other country right now, why not, hehehe. kidding aside, i want to visit cebu, leyte, palawan, davao, bohol, leyte... anywhere! canada, new zealand, LA, new york, italy, switzerland, dubai, australia, china, paris, japan, korea... all over the world. malaysia.
fatimah. there is not another soul on this fucking planet ever made me feel the way she do (chasing amy, hehehe). but really, its true. i never imagined to love and care for someone i never met. and i dont know if i could ever meet her, sigh... if only i could. i wish we could be together... i wish i could be with her, touch her face, hold her hands, smell her hair and feel her warm embrace all the time... i wish i could laugh with her all the time... i wish i could tell her how much she means to me. sometimes that feeling sucks. when all you can do is wish and wait. but sometimes there lies the cheesy part of it, loving despite the distance. blame youtube.
internet. goddamnit... i really salute bill gates! hehehe! but i got a lot of online accounts now. its good that i still manage all of them, hehehe. well, thanks to free internet access here at work, wink! hmmm, online accounts... lemme start counting: friendster, blogspot, kodakgallery, youtube, downelink, xanga, bolt, photobucket, stickam, flickr, and multiply. the last one is the newest and im loving it. ill upload photo later by the way.
haircut. i saw my old picture that was taken early this year and i want a fucking new (its old actually) hairdo. my friends keep on telling me to have a haircut na because short hair looks better on me. well, i dont have long hair now but they love my old hairstyle. and i like it too, hehehe. maybe on my restday.
sayang..its so sweet..i luv u ..n i wish 2 gne through all tat wit only i can..
i mis u..;(..
hm..dont blame utube..
act' bcoz of utube..i found an angle tat brought happiness in my lyfe..n the angel is u..
i dont noe y..but i do cre n luv u so much..
wahahaha karla... you're feeling the same way as i do.. you are on the same shoes as i am.. but i have one edge.. i already saw, smell, touch, kiss and embrace him.. hehehe dont be sad.. time will come.. and when heaven permits..just be patient as i was... wink*
thanks sayang for the comment i appreciate it... muuaahugs! im not actually blaming youtube dear, errr... or maybe i am? hehehe... nah juz for the sake of having something to blame! muuuaaahuggs!
yeah youre right joey... what kaLoi wants, kaLoi gets! hahahaha! anyways, im happy for you my friend! pakasal n kau! hehehe!
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