
the memory card's name is kaLoi, my bluetooth's name is kaLoi, so i guess his name is kaLoi... and i am kaLoi... so my fone is me, hehehe... makes sense? yessir! its a long story how i was able to have this fone. you can ask my good friends abs and joey, ayt guys? ehehehe! but one of the biggest factor is the commission that i was getting from my sales at teleperformance, thank you for those fucking maximizessss, yey!
so far, this is the most expensive gadget that i was able to shelled out on. well, at least the money was really from my hardship, so that makes it more fucking special. beat that! hehehe!
here are the fucking memories, good and not so good :p
+ teleperformance + willa + janice + joey + aimee + neil + achie + abs + syl + ryan + dexter + shai + paul + greenhills + mc donalds + market market + PICTURES + iWebmasters + natz + ailaine + ka rey + nicole + arman + sim + june + tibo + jury + dan + eley + dencios + valero cafe + starbucks + apple + crazy for you + fireworks + family + puerto galera + saturday market + VIDEO + badminton + kebong + kat + fatimah + TXT + songs + my private notes + battery low + globe + themes + yahoo messenger + krocodile + CALLS + kodak + baguio + Lflicks + zirkoh + ex + happiness + sadness + angry + love + grieve + flirt + and many more to come :p
i cant fucking imagine kaLoi being away from me. its one of the most significant things ive got now. if only he could talk, you'll know my deepest secrets hahaha! nah, that is if he will tell you, ill train him to shut up, hahaha! hmmm, i guess there are things he doesnt know, its my journal who knows evrything (wait, his name is also kaLoi! hehehe).
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