whatta show! season1

from then on i cant help but to fucking google everything about it. the show, trivias, pictures, videos, the cast... everything! and as i am doing all of these, cant help but to fall in love with leisha hailey! i adore her and her character as well, i like her movie all over me, got a sweet voice, i even have the playlist of all her video clips at youtube...alright now, this blog is for the show not for leisha (i almost forgot!) hehehe. sometimes i just wonder where the fuck did ilene chaiken got the idea to put them all together in one show?! i mean, cant think of anyone that could have done each character better than themselves! you know what im saying? they are all perfect.
alright, lemme talk about the first season. they started it with a blast! most of the time, firsts are always unforgettable. among my favorite episodes are "ep1.10 liberally" and "ep1.11 looking back." i could never forget one scene from episode10 where buckley ruthlessly accuses Bette of being a sinner and proclaims that it was her homosexuality that caused God to take the unborn child from her lesbian lover. and after episodes and episodes of bette remaining strong and stoic, she finally breaks - on public television, with the strains of Rufus Wainwright's version of "Hallelujah" twisiting the knife the scene has placed in our hearts. one of the most heartwrenching scenes I've ever seen in any television show ever, and a strong and excellent episode of a bold and daring show. episode 11 was just so fucking cute! and i totally agree with the review made by afterellen: It’s clear from a visit to any L Word discussion forum online that Jenny is the least-liked character on the show, and not in a good, love-to-hate-you kind of way like marina. jenny just doesn’t make a lot of sense in the context of this show: she is not a part of “the group” that includes bette, tina, alice, shane, and dana, and she is not really a lesbian. She only appears to be useful to the writers as vehicle for including straight male characters on the show and for serving as almost an apology to straight male viewers. after the first season, one of the few things we can all agree on is that The L Word has titillated, frustrated, thrilled, and provoked us all.
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