whatta show! season3
sniff! sniff! sniff! this season made me fucking cry! too much drama, you know... alright, lemme pick my favorites. 303:lobsters - funny, so natural, though not a lot of hotness. this was the episode where jenny introduced moira to the girls over dinner, and they are all so fucking beautiful and elegant! of course they couldnt like her right away but still managed to welcome her. i just feel for moira that time. she felt that she doesnt belong to them, she cant fit in. and that scene in the overlooking place, alone with her truck, oh man... so well acted! 305:lifeline - hotness is all i can say. how can we forget that pool scene of cherie and shane?! but that is unacceptable. and how lovely alice is when she attended bisexual speed dating... 308:latecomer - encouraging and cute. i like the scene at the game where helena takes the girls to a surprise trip to honor Dana in her recovery. why cute? hehehe, i just like the scene of leisha and kate playing playstation. 310:losing the light - painful to watch. i dont know what to say. emotions. i miss dana. i feel for alice when she comes back and dana's gone. "you're my sunshine, my only sunshine..." *sob*
and this is the review of afterellen, and i agree to it: Season 3 of The L Word was a reminder that--PSA's about breast cancer and its Emmy nomination aside--the program is a soap opera. irrational, unconscionable things happen in soap operas, and characters are always exploited for maximum dramatic effect. so maybe if viewers keep this in mind, then the outrageous twists and turns of this (and probably next) season won't be so unexpected or upsetting. and even if some fans are hating The L-Word this season, it's a testament to the quality of the show. as the saying goes, indifference--not hate--is the opposite of love. and one would be hard pressed to find a substantial number of truly indifferent fans. ilene chaiken will receive her share of complaints about the direction of the show this season because, for now, it's the only game in town. sure, south of nowhere is sexy, smart and sweet, but it's also PG-rated and without the sordid adult complications that make The L Word so juicy. and where else but The L Word could one find a show with an ensemble of good to great women actors playing characters that are almost all queer? that's right, actual nowhere. so viewers can be angry about dana's untimely death or tina turning into a stepford wife, but they'll probably going to keep watching because a.) they're hooked, and b.) there's still nothing else like The L Word on television. ---- and im both *wink*
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