Saturday, September 09, 2006

answer briefly

let's do an essay this time...
for those who hve starbucks 2006 planner will surely be familiar w/ the questions, rock on\m/
wat dyou like doin or havin over and over again?
+ hmmm, i can sleep for 28hrs straight (w/o eating and drinkn), i can stay up for 3days (w/ lots of eating and drinkn), i can watch 5movies straight or finish 2seasons of a tv series ----if i really want to.
wat dyou find really irresistable?
+ money.. travel.. to be loved.. in that particular order. like, even if nobody loves me but ive got lots of money, i dont give a damn.
wat comforts u @ the end of a long stressful day?
+ been there and the answer is always... sleep in my bed with all my pillows. thats all i need.
wat dyou love to think or dream abt?
+ kaLoi bein successful and travelling around the world. havin special someone to be with is a bonus.
wat invokes ur emotions?
+ i am shallow, both ends. small things make me happy, i even laugh out loud at corny jokes. stories abt unfortunates, famine, and children melt my heart. i dont get mad easily though but if i do, then that only means im really mad and i curse sometyms, hehehe...
wat inspires u?
+ my dreams. my family. wat we've been through before. my frustrations.
wat makes ur heart go giddy-up?
+ txts. calls. chats. color green. strawberry cream frm starbucks. stars. fave songs. leisha hailey. camilla belle. dvd for my collection. car miniatures. nice jacket. pix.



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