Monday, September 18, 2006

shape your life

from shaila's friendster blog:
unless you shape your life, circumstances will shape it for you.
you have to work, sacrifice, invest and persist to get the result you want.
choose them well!
you cant start planning until you know where you want to go.
take each day in stride...
this was our topic last night. me, kuya arman and abs while we were having a smoke break. kuya arman said that this couldnt be applicable to everybody. just like any other words of wisdom, you know. because again, we are all fuckin deviants in our own ways, and i absolutely believe on that.
goin back to the topic, hmmm... it actually hit me. i know that i am a come-what-may kind of person. like, the hell i care about what would happen next. it is HIS will anyway, and theres nothin we can do on His plans. but as i am gettin older (sigh, hehehe) im learning that it is necessary to plan for the future, little plans wont harm... and its always my past time to do daydreaming, hehehe... and to have dreams are like planning already.
libby is absent, ka rey cant come to work, and shaila is sick... so for tonight, its sprint team... hehehe... me-joey-neil-abs
my last monday shift.


Blogger kaLoi™ said...

i mishu shai! i miss having conversation with u.. like its all smartness, you know, hahaha! kiddin aside, i miss u guys! muah muah muah!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 5:18:00 PM  

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