Tuesday, March 27, 2007

i could have said that

Life and death, energy and peace. If I stop today it was
still worth it. Even the terrible mistakes that I made and would have
unmade if I could. The pains that have burned me and scarred my soul, it
was worth it, for having been allowed to walk where I've walked, which
was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back again, into, under, far in
between, through it, and above.
Dear book, this is another day in my life. A life is like
a book. A book is like a box. A box has six sides. Inside and outside,
so, how do you get to what's inside? How do you get what's inside, out?
Once upon a time, there lived a very pretty girl, who lived in a
beautiful box, and everybody loved her.
We make our own choices, we pay our own prices.
I'm not apologizing for what I did. I'm apologizing for what I
didn't do.
For me, stealing's always been a lot like sex. Two people who
want the same thing: they get in a room, they talk about it. They start
to plan. It's kind of like flirting. It's kind of like... foreplay,
'cause the more they talk about it, the wetter they get. The only
difference is, I can fuck someone I've just met. But to steal? I need to know
someone like I know myself.
Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying
to overcome. That's what momma always says. She says that beginnings
are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the
most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will...
Look at me. My life has no meaning or direction, and
I'm happy.


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